The AUTOSAR China Day (ACD) 2023 was held successfully on the 16th March as part of the "4th Software Defined Vehicles Summit 2023” at LVSHOU Hotel in Shanghai, China. The conference was co-organized by Gasgoo and attracted approximately 800 participants onsite.
AUTOSAR Chairperson Thomas Rüping visited the event and had the honor of opening the 4th AUTOSAR China Day by giving a welcome note to the audience. The keynote speech provided by Wu Hanbing from CATARC gave the participants insight about the Standard System for China Vehicle Operating System.
Throughout the day, the visitors had the opportunity to gain insights about the Vehicle OS, SDV E/E Architecture and other topics from the representatives of MathWorks, Vector, Continental, Freetech, Dassault, SAIC and Baidu Apollo. The event was rounded off with the panel discussion dedicated to the topic of “Standardization” of automotive software.
Outside of the conference hall the participants were attracted to the AUTOSAR Classic Software Platform Demonstrator, which was shown at the AUTOSAR reception by the AUTOSAR China Hub.